Jul 18, 2009

Janna Emily Casayas

On July 9, 2009, Abel and Idylyn Casayas welcomed Janna Emily into their family. Abel and Idylyn both work for NEOS and have been married for 2 years. Please pray for this precious family as they adjust to their new roles and responsibilities.

Jul 7, 2009

Esther's Graduation

On June 14, 2009, we had a simple graduation ceremony for Esther. She has officially graduated from homeschool. Esther attended Phoster Place Academy in our home for all of her years of schooling. She only went to formal school for the first semester of first grade. All the rest of her schooling has been done at home with Valerie.
Esther recently took an entrance exam for Faith Academy in Davao City. She passed with flying colors. She should do very well in a formal schooling situation. Her teacher has prepared her well. Please pray for Esther has she enters a new chapter in her life in early August 2009.

Vacation Bible School 2009

April 20-24, 2009, was the 18th annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) at the NEOS Fellowship Center. Our theme this year was the Armor of God. The students learned only one Bible verse was during the entire week, Ephesians 6:11. We had a total of 232 children registered with 43 decisions for Christ. Esther teaching the Bible verse

The best part was that Esther, our eldest child, was the Bible verse teacher for the week. This was her first time to teach in front of that many students and she did a super job. The amazing thing was that she taught in the local dialect of Cebuano. Yeah Esther!!!

Jul 6, 2009

Easter in Tagum

On April 12, 2009, we had the annual Easter celebration at our home in Tagum. Each year we invite the children of NEOS to our home in the afternoon of Easter Sunday. The children sit nicely on the porch while Valerie tells them the Easter story. She uses elaborate props to help the children see what Jesus did for them.

One child even volunteers to be Jesus. Valerie places a crown of thorns on the child's head, uses a simulated cat-of-nine-tails, and places a purple robe on the volunteer Jesus.
After the story she explains the fun part of Easter and why eggs
are used. She tells the children that eggs are a symbol of the new life that Jesus gives to each one who chooses to accept His gift of eternal life.
Then, after the stories, the children get to run in our front yard and find the Easter eggs that the adults have hidden. What a delight to not only hear what Jesus did for them but to also have some fun at the same time.
Two children prayed to receive Christ as a result of the Easter celebration in our home this April 2009.

Celebrating Married Men & Women

On March 26, 2009, Mike and Valerie spoke to the government men of Comval Province. They encouraged the men in the areas of love languages, communication, and intimacy. Over 200 married men joined the seminar that day.
On November 12, 2008, Mike and Valerie did the exact same seminar for the women of the province. It was titled Celebrating Married Women.
Both seminars have had a wonderful response. Marriages are doing better because of the encouragement that was given to the couples.

The Voice of Truth

On March 16, 2009, Valerie spoke to the provincial employees of Davao del Norte. The theme was "Women: the Voice for God's Creation-the Earth." Valerie made an acronym for the word TRUTH. Her goal was to help the employees apply the lessons from 2 Timothy 3:16 to their lives. She encouraged them to be a Voice of Truth to the people around them.
T = Teach and Toil now while your children are still living in your home
R = Rebuke and find the Rotten weeds in their character
U = Usher them to the correct way by Uprooting their rotten character traits
T = Train them by doing all of this over and over until they can Thrive in the world
Then your family will be one that is:
H = Helpful to others and will bring about a rich Harvest of blessings
God wants you to be a Voice of Truth.

copyright by Valerie W. Boado, 2009