Sam and Aida Lacanienta |
On Nov 9 and 10, Mike joined the Officiating Officer's Convention in CDO. He was oriented on marriage contracts and birth certificates and how to process both of them. It was good that he attended.
Once the convention was over, Mike and Val were able to spend a few days just relaxing in CDO. We were invited to visit the home of a friend and were pleasantly surprised at the remoteness of their property. It was soooo quiet and peaceful and such a relaxing time.
Sam and Aida work with Word of Life Philippines as well as pastor a small church in the mountains of CDO. This couple has been in the ministry for many years now and it was such a blessing for us to sit under their tutelage for a few days. We hope to implement some of their ideas at NEOS. Thank you, Sam and Ida, for the respite and the wisdom. We enjoyed the time very much.