On May 26, 2010, Valerie spoke to 51 preschool teachers on how to understand child development and learning.
The teachers walked away encouraged and excited to start
a new school year.
We direct the NEOS Fellowship Center in Tagum City, Mindanao, Philippines. NEOS is a Greek word that means young and fresh and new. Mike started NEOS in 1989 and we have lived in Tagum since 1991. NEOS is a family center. NEOS offers Sunday evening fellowship, home Bible studies, youth fellowship, Bible classes for children, library, basketball, discipleship, training, and Bible curriculum for all ages. NEOS is open to everyone and there is something for everyone.
NEOS is a Greek word that means young and fresh and new. The NEOS ministry began in 1989 as a youth center but is now a place for people of all ages.
The NEOS Bible Curriculum For All Ages
Valerie is now writing Sunday school material. It is chronological in that it begins with Genesis and the story of Creation. The series will eventually cover the entire Bible. Each book will cover a small part of God's Word. The books come complete with visuals, lesson plans, teaching instructions, games, review questions, exams, and in every few books there is even a complete Vacation Bible School.
Valerie now has four titles published in her series, The NEOS Bible Curriculum For All Ages.
Book 1: Creation to Cain and Abel (with VBS)
Book 2: Noah to Abraham Book 3: Isaac and Jacob
Book 4: Joseph (with VBS)
All four books are now available in the USA and in the Philippines. These four books together are the complete book of Genesis in the Bible.
You may email Valerie through the Commission for Every Nation website to ask for details as to how you may purchase the books. Please put NEOS Books in the subject line of your email.
All text and images are the property of Mike and Valerie Boado.
Permission is given to use our words and photos for non-commercial purposes only.
Please give credit to Mike and/or Valerie Boado when using anything from this blog.
Maraming Salamat! Thank you!
Contact Us
You may contact Mike and Valerie through the Commission to Every Nation Website. (See 'Web Links' below.) Click the link that is titled CTEN -- Mike and Val Boado. Once the page opens, simply click the blue words at the bottom of the screen -- Contact the Missionary. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Make a Donation
Commission To Every Nation
PO Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307
Any checks should be made to either Commission to Every Nation or CTEN. Please include a note with your donation that says, Mike and Val Boado/NEOS.
You may also make an online donation by using the Web Link below titled: CTEN -- Mike and Val Boado. Once the page opens up, simply click on the button that says 'donate.'
Thank you very much.
Please be aware that there is a very small fee for giving online.
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