Jul 6, 2009

Easter in Tagum

On April 12, 2009, we had the annual Easter celebration at our home in Tagum. Each year we invite the children of NEOS to our home in the afternoon of Easter Sunday. The children sit nicely on the porch while Valerie tells them the Easter story. She uses elaborate props to help the children see what Jesus did for them.

One child even volunteers to be Jesus. Valerie places a crown of thorns on the child's head, uses a simulated cat-of-nine-tails, and places a purple robe on the volunteer Jesus.
After the story she explains the fun part of Easter and why eggs
are used. She tells the children that eggs are a symbol of the new life that Jesus gives to each one who chooses to accept His gift of eternal life.
Then, after the stories, the children get to run in our front yard and find the Easter eggs that the adults have hidden. What a delight to not only hear what Jesus did for them but to also have some fun at the same time.
Two children prayed to receive Christ as a result of the Easter celebration in our home this April 2009.

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