On September 18, 2008, Mike and Valerie spoke in Nabunteran to over 200 young people and government employees on the topic of waiting to get married to live as a husband and wife live. Why is this important? Because God demands it and true love waits. Idylyn Casayas, one of the NEOS staff members, shared her testimony on the importance of waiting and how she and her husband were able to wait.
The musical Boado munchkins sang a fun Disney song and then Idylyn and Esther sang the song, "I Promise," by Jaci Velasquez.
At the end of the day after all of the many questions had
been asked, a young man shared a short testimony. He said, "I have been to 5 other True Love Waits seminars before this one. But, this is the first one where I was truly able to grasp and understand what was being shared. This seminar was different because specific examples were given and it was based on God's Word."
God is working in the lives of people through the NEOS ministry. To God be the Glory.